Install a Rain Barrel

One simple, efficient, low-cost method to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff from your property is to use rain barrels. Estimates indicate that a quarter-inch of rain falling on an average home yields over 200 gallons of water. Rain barrels are simply large containers that capture stormwater from your roof that would otherwise be lost as runoff. Modern rain barrels are sealed, safe around children, and insect resistant. You can divert water from your downspout to fill your rain barrel and a hose spigot on the front makes the water easy to access and use for watering. Rain barrels are a great way to preserve water use and irrigate your gardens and lawn at a very low cost.

To learn more about rain barrels, check out this video from the USDA  and this one from Environment Matters.

For a how-to on installing a rain barrel, check out the following resources: image of a rain barrel

View or download the WMEAC rain barrel instructions. WMEAC also hosts rain barrel workshops in West Michigan–check out their rain barrel page for upcoming workshop dates.

Visit the Southwest Florida Water Management page on Rain Barrels.

Watch this Installing a Rain Barrel for Beginners video.

You can also purchase rain barrels from Lowe’s, Home Depot, Tractor Supply Co., and Amazon.